Join us at our next event.
Guidelines for hosting a table and representing a culture
Cultural showcase: create an interactive and educational display showcasing your chosen culture or country's heritage, traditions, and customs. You can include artifacts, traditional clothing, crafts, photographs, and informational materials (books, poster boards, etc. ) that are appropriate for children and promote cultural understanding
Respectful display: ensure your display is respectful, inclusive, and nonoffensive to all attendees. Avoid stereotypes or materials that could be perceived as culturally insensitive or disrespectful.
Food and drink: if you offer food or drinks at your table, you are solely responsible for ensuring they comply with local health and safety regulations. All food and beverages must be properly prepared and served to avoid foodborne illness.
Waiver requirements: as the host of the table, you MUST sign a waiver acknowledging your responsibility for any food or drink provided at your table. This waiver serves to indemnify the event organizers and venue against any liability related to foodborne illness or other issues arising from your table
No selling or charging: You are PROHIBITED from selling or charging for any items or services at your table. The purpose of the table is to promote cultural exchange and understanding, not to conduct commercial transactions. All materials and activities at the table should be offered free to festival attendees.
2022 Quincy Multicultural FESTIVAL
2023 Quincy Multicultural FESTIVAL
Guidelines for performances
Group performances preferred: due to the overwhelming interest and numerous requests; we prioritize group performances over individual ones.
Inclusion of QPS students: each group/performance should include at least one QPS student
Performance duration: to accommodate the diverse range of performances and ensure a smooth event flow, each performance is allotted a maximum duration of 6 minutes. We kindly request all performers to adhere to this time constraint to allow for ample participation.
Content guidelines: performances should celebrate cultural heritage, traditions, and diversity respectfully and inclusively. We encourage creativity and authenticity while avoiding any content that may be considered offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate for a family-friendly audience
Communication and coordination: clear communication and coordination between group representatives and the festival organizers are essential. Any special requests should be communicated in advance to ensure smooth logistics on the day of the event
2022 Quincy Multicultural FESTIVAL
2023 Quincy Multicultural FESTIVAL
Vendors and food trucks
fill out this contact form
2024 Quincy Multicultural FESTIVAL